RMC Foods is an 100% Irish ran business, specialising in healthy meals all under 500 calories.
RMC Foods will deliver orders to your doorstep twice a week, making eating healthy easy and affordable.


It always helps to see a logo in its environment, it gives it context and brings it to life.
The following images I hope will give you a feel for the brand and where it might sit.
The following images I hope will give you a feel for the brand and where it might sit.
Logo embroidered onto an apron.
Photo courtesy of RMC_Foods Instagram.
Photo courtesy of RMC_Foods Instagram.

Good packaging design is essential for any product. In relation to food, it's more important than ever to display nutritional information, especially in today's society as more and more people are implementing a healthy lifestyle. RMC Foods makes this easy with their meals, which all come in at under 500 calories.
The reason I went with a matte black as the main colour is because it states 'I am a premium & elegant product'. You then have the sense of hierarchy with the company logo at the top; dominant. Next we display the name of the meal, followed by the nutritional information.